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아래 블로그 내용은 2023년 5월 20일 Seoul iOS Meetup에 있던 세션을 정리한 기록입니다. 혹시나 문제가 되는 내용이나 정정해야 하는 부분이 있다면 알려주시길 바랍니다.
The blog below is a summary of the session of Seoul iOS Meetup on May 20, 2023. Please let me know if there is anything that is problematic or needs to be corrected.
세션 일정 및 장소
- 2023년 5월 20일
- 서울시 강남구
참가한 이유?
- iOS 개발자가 되기 위한 동기 부여
- 내 영어 실력(듣기, 말하기, 쓰기)을 점검하고
- 커뮤니케이션 능력 연습(독학이나 온라인 스터디 학습의 한계를 보완하고 싶어서)
- Kevin Umarov
- Maksim Niagolov
Seoul iOS Meetup [May 2023], Sat, May 20, 2023, 2:00 PM | Meetup
Apple + Weebtoons = ❤️
- It’s getting more popular
- startup Kenaz
- Xcode improvements?
- M3 Chips?
Ice breaking time
Introducing yourselves to each other for 4 minutes
- with Nico
- he advised me to learn by building app that I want to make.
- He launched app of recorder about learning language.
- He made it by SwiftUI.
Session 1. RxSwift: Effective Design Patterns
by Kevin Umarov - Mobile Application Developer at Kooky
- What do we know about RxSwift in first place?
- Design patterns matter?
- MVVM examples
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Still developed by MS year by year
- RxSwift, RxJavaScript, and RxKotlin, (etc) → IT’S REACTIVE
Why Design patterns matter?
- What file you looking for?
- What kinds of design pattern do you use and why? (MVVM, MVC, …)
MVVM Examples
- Clean Architecture + MVVM
- Business Logic from backend
- Structres
Is there the best design pattern?
- It depends but in his perspective, MVVM is the most effective for now and it’s not the best.
Advantages and disadvantages
- WHAT are we building?
- WHY are we building?
- WHAT is our business logic?
Q & A
1. Changing of the code base, what makes you to feel
Projects on work. Clarifying architectures makes more easier.
RxSwift is just a library. You’re allowed to use it or not directly.
2. Have you about Combined?
I focused on SwiftUI and RxSwift.
3. About TDD?
I haven’t used it. Not Maybe in future.
4. MVVM and RxSwift then about Combine.
It it’s for my own project, I would use Combine.
As a freelancer, time and deadline is considered. RxSwift is effective and saves lot of time.
Session 2. Build Better Apps with Xcode Cloud
by Maksim Niagolov - CTO | Tech Lead at Darwin Intelligence
What is Xcode Cloud?
- Continuous Integration & Delivery for Apple Apps
- Automate, Collaborate, Deliver: Streamline Your App Development Process
- Seamless Integration with XCode, TestFlight, and App Store Connect
Key Features Of Xcode Cloud
- Continuous Integration
- Parallel Testing
- Automated Testing
- Diagnostics and Insights
- TestFlight Integration
- App Store Connect Integration
Adding Xcode Cloud to Your App Content: A Step-by-Step Guide
- Open XCode
- Enable Xcode Cloud
- Configure Settings
- Commit Changes
very simple! easily add and configure Xcode Cloud
Integrating Xcode Cloud with Testflight & App Store Connect
- TestFlight Integration
- App Store Connect Integration
- Automatic App Distribution
Real-World Implementation Adding and Configuring Xcode Cloud
- Enable Xcode Cloud for the project
- Configure build, test, and distribution settings
- Setup notifications and team access
- Save and trigger the first build
- It offers a range of features for app development
- It is easy to use and integrates with existing tools
- It helps developers save time and money
Q & A
- About folder problems of project
- Experiences of CI/CD, time digits
- taking so many time of using Xcloud Cloud, any limitations comparing to third pary tools?
- Serious problems of experience and solutions of using Xcloud Cloud
- About hiring junior developers what are the most important things for juniors?
- understanding of problem process
- technical skills
YouTube Channel
개인적인 후기
- 한국에서 포함한 다른 여러 나라의 개발자들의 생각이나 경험을 알아볼 수 있어서 좋은 기회였다.
- 아직은 내가 Swift 문법이나 프레임워크의 기반 정도만 아는 단계여서 많은 걸 이해할 수는 없었지만 좋은 동기부여가 많이 되었다.
공부 방향에 대한 성찰
- 아이스 브레이킹에서 옆에 있던 현업 개발자님으로부터 많은 영감을 얻었다. 앱 개발을 통한 실력 향상. 앱 배포, 자기 아이디어를 구현하는 과정이 되게 인상적이었다.
영어의 필요성에 대한 실감
- Introduction에 웹툰에 대해 반응을 하다가 갑자기 마이크가 넘어 와서 당황했다 ㅋㅋㅋ 정말 오랜만에 영어로 말하니까 어찌나 떨리던지
- 영어에 대한 중요성을 다시 느끼게 되었다… 회화에 대해 더 유창하고 자신감 있게 말할 수 있다면 더 적극적으로 참여할 수 있었을텐데
- 회화말고도 청해나 바로바로 적는 작문에서도 많은 애를 먹었다🥲 영어 공부 꾸준히!
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