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[세션 기록] (5월) Seoul iOS Meetup (@Gangnam)

by Dev.Andy 2023. 5. 20.

세션 준비 중인 이미지
Seoul iOS Meetup, May 2023


들어가기 전에

아래 블로그 내용은 2023년 5월 20일 Seoul iOS Meetup에 있던 세션을 정리한 기록입니다. 혹시나 문제가 되는 내용이나 정정해야 하는 부분이 있다면 알려주시길 바랍니다.

The blog below is a summary of the session of Seoul iOS Meetup on May 20, 2023. Please let me know if there is anything that is problematic or needs to be corrected.

세션 일정 및 장소

  • 2023년 5월 20일
  • 서울시 강남구

참가한 이유?

  • iOS 개발자가 되기 위한 동기 부여
  • 내 영어 실력(듣기, 말하기, 쓰기)을 점검하고
  • 커뮤니케이션 능력 연습(독학이나 온라인 스터디 학습의 한계를 보완하고 싶어서)


Seoul iOS Meetup May 2023 강연자

  • Kevin Umarov
  • Maksim Niagolov


Seoul iOS Meetup [May 2023], Sat, May 20, 2023, 2:00 PM | Meetup



세션 Introduction

Apple + Weebtoons = ❤️

  • It’s getting more popular
  • startup Kenaz


  • Xcode improvements?
  • M3 Chips?


Ice breaking time

Introducing yourselves to each other for 4 minutes

  • with Nico
  • he advised me to learn by building app that I want to make.
  • He launched app of recorder about learning language.
  • He made it by SwiftUI.


Session 1. RxSwift: Effective Design Patterns

by Kevin Umarov - Mobile Application Developer at Kooky

세션 이미지 - Kevin Umarov의 RxSwift
Kevin Umarov의 RxSwift 세션

  • What do we know about RxSwift in first place?
  • Design patterns matter?
  • MVVM examples
  • Advantages and disadvantages


  • Still developed by MS year by year
  • RxSwift, RxJavaScript, and RxKotlin, (etc) → IT’S REACTIVE

Why Design patterns matter?

  • What file you looking for?
  • What kinds of design pattern do you use and why? (MVVM, MVC, …)

MVVM Examples


  • Clean Architecture + MVVM
  • Business Logic from backend
  • Structres

Is there the best design pattern?

  • MVVM, VIPER, and MVC
  • It depends but in his perspective, MVVM is the most effective for now and it’s not the best.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • WHAT are we building?
  • WHY are we building?
  • WHAT is our business logic?

Q & A

1. Changing of the code base, what makes you to feel

Projects on work. Clarifying architectures makes more easier.

RxSwift is just a library. You’re allowed to use it or not directly.

2. Have you about Combined?

I focused on SwiftUI and RxSwift.

3. About TDD?

I haven’t used it. Not Maybe in future.

4. MVVM and RxSwift then about Combine.

It it’s for my own project, I would use Combine.

As a freelancer, time and deadline is considered. RxSwift is effective and saves lot of time.




Session 2. Build Better Apps with Xcode Cloud

by Maksim Niagolov - CTO | Tech Lead at Darwin Intelligence

세션 이미지 - Maksim Niagolov의 Xcode Cloud
Maksim Niagolov의 Xcode Cloud 세션

What is Xcode Cloud?

  • Continuous Integration & Delivery for Apple Apps
  • Automate, Collaborate, Deliver: Streamline Your App Development Process
  • Seamless Integration with XCode, TestFlight, and App Store Connect

Key Features Of Xcode Cloud

  • Continuous Integration
  • Parallel Testing
  • Automated Testing
  • Diagnostics and Insights
  • TestFlight Integration
  • App Store Connect Integration

Adding Xcode Cloud to Your App Content: A Step-by-Step Guide

  • Open XCode
  • Enable Xcode Cloud
  • Configure Settings
  • Commit Changes

very simple! easily add and configure Xcode Cloud

Integrating Xcode Cloud with Testflight & App Store Connect

  • TestFlight Integration
  • App Store Connect Integration
  • Automatic App Distribution

Real-World Implementation Adding and Configuring Xcode Cloud

  • Enable Xcode Cloud for the project
  • Configure build, test, and distribution settings
  • Setup notifications and team access
  • Save and trigger the first build


  • It offers a range of features for app development
  • It is easy to use and integrates with existing tools
  • It helps developers save time and money

Q & A

  1. About folder problems of project
  2. Experiences of CI/CD, time digits
  3. taking so many time of using Xcloud Cloud, any limitations comparing to third pary tools?
  4. Serious problems of experience and solutions of using Xcloud Cloud
  5. About hiring junior developers what are the most important things for juniors?
  • understanding of problem process
  • technical skills



YouTube Channel

Seoul iOS Meetup - YouTube



개인적인 후기

  • 한국에서 포함한 다른 여러 나라의 개발자들의 생각이나 경험을 알아볼 수 있어서 좋은 기회였다.
  • 아직은 내가 Swift 문법이나 프레임워크의 기반 정도만 아는 단계여서 많은 걸 이해할 수는 없었지만 좋은 동기부여가 많이 되었다.

공부 방향에 대한 성찰

  • 아이스 브레이킹에서 옆에 있던 현업 개발자님으로부터 많은 영감을 얻었다. 앱 개발을 통한 실력 향상. 앱 배포, 자기 아이디어를 구현하는 과정이 되게 인상적이었다.

영어의 필요성에 대한 실감

  • Introduction에 웹툰에 대해 반응을 하다가 갑자기 마이크가 넘어 와서 당황했다 ㅋㅋㅋ 정말 오랜만에 영어로 말하니까 어찌나 떨리던지
  • 영어에 대한 중요성을 다시 느끼게 되었다… 회화에 대해 더 유창하고 자신감 있게 말할 수 있다면 더 적극적으로 참여할 수 있었을텐데
  • 회화말고도 청해나 바로바로 적는 작문에서도 많은 애를 먹었다🥲 영어 공부 꾸준히!
